Getting back up on your feet. Literally...
I thought I would fade into abyss for time to come...
Cracking medial malleolus. A real tough job. But somehow you achieved it. Now 90 days of pain, recovery and rehabilitation awaits. What you do?
The answer is simple right? Just move on. Because the progression is linear. But there lies a hidden truth. How you react to what you’ve faced shapes your character. There’s always ups&downs. Depression? Hell yeah. But what is really fascinating with humanity is you always try to hold on to a little amount of hope in hindsight. At that moment , there comes the distinction. The distinction of actions which will define you as a person. Do you want to be the man lying on the bed and crying about it or embrace the pain and go for it?
After you decide that particular question, it doesn't only make you the man standing still but also the one to capture value of future self.
Even though we wish to be able to move time faster in those circumstances, as our beloved pessimist friend Rust Cohle descibes it ‘‘time is a flat circle’’. No way to hide.
Doubling down on best possible version of yourself is the least you can do. There’s no an alternative world where someone else come into play and do it for you. In the end game, it will all come down to you to make that first step. They say it’s the hardest like all things in life. First job, first love, first child. Make sure to remember the struggle and how it felt to become a whole again.